Collective Impact’s Voice of Youth Presents:
An Essay Contest on

"From Little Acorns Grow: Main Street Millionaires"
by Mike Wendland
What is it?
The mission of the Voice of Youth Essay Contest is to facilitate the development of critical thinking and constructive self-expression among teens and young adults.
Who is eligible?
Adults who are between the ages of 18 and 28 are eligible to enter an essay on "From Little Acorns Grow: Main Street Millionaires" ($4.95). Participants in this contest must enter through a Collective Impact Collaborating Organization or prior CLIMB Programming participation. The list of Collaborators is located here.
How will essays be graded?
The essays will be evaluated based upon:
The insights and ideas gleaned from the book
Creativity and originality of the essay
Grammatical and presentation quality
The Grand Prize is $500 for 1st Place! Other prizes for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places will be awarded.
What are the Contest Rules?
The essay should address specific ideas or intentions for how the essayist or the community can benefit from the book’s teachings and insights.
Essays should be typed in 12 point Times New Roman font.
Essays should be no longer than 5 typed pages (not including the cover page or reference page) single-sided, double-spaced with standard 1” margins top, bottom and sides.
Essays must include a cover sheet (provided below) with the essayist’s name, age, birth date, name of the essayist’s parent or guardian (if essayist is under 18 years of age), complete home address, email address, telephone number, name and contact person of the Collective Impact Organization the essayist is representing.
Essayists will have to sign a statement promising that they did in fact read the book (or listened to it on tape) in its entirety and that they are the true author of the essay that they submitted. It is permissible to interview and talk to others about the book, but it is not permissible to submit any non-attributed work or writings that was done by someone other than the essayist.
Essays must be typed and submitted electronically here by 5:00 PM CST on April 29, 2022.
Disclaimer: Essays submitted into this contest become the property of the CLIMB and the Voice of Youth Essay Contest, and essays will not be returned. By submitting their essay, contestants under the age of 18 further attest that they have their parent's or guardian's consent to participate. By registering for this contest, essayists further attest that their name, image, and likeness can be published by CLIMB USA through various media channels along with the essay itself. All judges' decisions are final, and judges have the discretion to disqualify submissions.